Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Little Lady

OH wow I've been down and out for the past day but the news I'm about to tell you really lifted my spirit ***thank god***

This is how it all began & I plan to mark the date (5/24/2016) 
Me , my son, and 3 of my siblings were outside I watched them play and had endless thoughts about my goals in life. So my mom called me looking at my phone I found that weird because why would she call me if she could have told me whatever she had to see just by looking out her bedroom window. 

When I answered she asked, "Guess what?"I instantly thought she would be asking to borrow money, tell me some gossip, or tell a joke. . . I'm like "what?". And she ran down to me telling my sister just got her period. I instantly told her I would be coming in the house all happy for her. Even though periods are not the best thing to happen to women, in my opinion, it's the first step into womanhood
I explained to my sister (after my mom did the motherly thing and talked to her first). I told her what else she needed to know, gave her one of my pads, even thought it was too big for her I told her how to put it on. All she wanted to do is just like pictures on Instagram then go to sleep. She acted like her regular self I acted nothing like that she got her period before I got mines I did not get mines until I turned 13 or 14 years old. 

Later that day I went to Walmart bought her everything she would need

  • Pads
  • Vaginal Wipes
  • Panties
  • Vaginal Spray
  • Hand Sanitizer 
  • Vaginal Powder 
I'm so happy for her more so glad I am around to witness this . . . Hopefully, it gets easier from here on out and if I could do more I certainly would. If I ever have my own daughter I'm going to make sure I have a special kit prepared just for this. I hope it gets easier from this point on. . . I pray if she needs any advice she comes to her mother or me so she knows the right thing to do. I can't wait until she gets seen by a doctor so she'll know everything she needs to know before & after. 

Friday, May 20, 2016

Just Trying To Find My Prince Charming in a sea of fuckboy's

pro·logue-I'm so irritated , I feel like my time is being wasted but it's only fair I write what else that happened mainly for those that are interested.....SO HERE IT GOES
mood: I had to drink a glass of wine to calm my nerves
S.O.T.E.Fuck that nigga x Dj Mustard

It's so strange how life works: You want something and you wait and wait and feel like it's taking forever to come. Then it happens and it's over and all you want to do is curl back up in that moment before things changed.-Che-ray

Okay, so Chocolate Aries texted me I texted back, of course, his response was a late one . . . In My Opinion, people that wait too long to text need to be banned from texting... So the conversation came off as casual like always then he mentioned he had sex, I always tell my male friends to let me know when they have sex (I'm just weird like that). He brought it up but not in full detail . . . I'm going to insert the text messages here so the post won't be too long or take up to much of your time. 

don't get me wrong I am happy for him for getting some. . . But I'm also mad . . . Like, This guy doesn't want to put in the effort with me but got time to smash a bitch that's not his type niggas say they don't like hoes but steady screwing them now that's my problem๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ˜ก.... I haven't texted him back sense and I deactivated my FB so I don't have to see his contradicting foolery .... How you preaching you want a real woman but giving any hoe that comes your way the more time than you give someone you 'claim' to like..... Straight up ridiculous . . . I'm shocked I thought just because I get along with female Aries I would be able to get along with male Aries too guess the fuck not.

I've always had a fantasy of fucking with someone out of state but the way this dude acting I guess I'll neva get no outside Dick.... I'm really over it on god I'm not gonna even get mad or feel hurt but any guy that passes on me missing out. . . 
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Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Overly Irritated

Not everyone is meant to be in your future. Some people are just passing through to teach you lessons in life.
Tonight , I'm just feeling overly irritated and mad at myself. I'm just tired of giving people chances to hurt me emotionally. When I do give people chances they make me regret opening up in the first place. I just need to accept the fact I will not have the type of friends or relationships I need in my life. Also I'll just keep the two people I have in my life close that I know who are there for me and WILL NOT make me feel like my time is being wasted. I just need to drop everyone that I have interest in just to focus on me from bettering my life, raising my son the best way I know how so he will grow up to be the furthest thing from Men who've hurt or lied to me in the past, and find a career that I love.

I know I should not be beating myself up for trying to see the good in people and give them chances after chances to do right. We as people fall short of God's grace all the time this whole situation has me wondering is this how God feels when we do stuff to displease him. I'm just sick and tired of being sick and tired I know it will be hard for me to ignore and drop people that I'm starting to care about or like talking to when things are going well. But I need to put myself first and see how many people care about me when I do fall back on hitting them up. I know the root of the problem is that I CARE TOO MUCH I just need to close myself down emotionally I know it is not good to do that , but I need to do what I gotta do so I'm not out here looking stupid.

I just wish I could transfer the way people make me feel onto them, so they could see what they are doing is wrong. I'm not even hurt that I have to drop people that don't care about me the way I want them too. I just want them out of my system that way if there name pop up on my phone or in my social media notification feed I won't get happy of feel the need to even give them a response. I know the wise saying 

When someone shows you who they are believe them; the first time

All I need is my son, he's always there for me and will never let me down. Especially if I'm putting my best foot forward to make him one phenominal man. I thank god endlessly everyday for him. If it was not for my son I would be dying for attention and love from the wrong person. I just hope I can follow my own advice and stick firm to what I want to do. I just want to move forward in life and still be comfortable in being alone. My feelings are fragile and I cannot get them hurt anymore. No matter how people swear up and down they need someone like me in there life and they won't hurt me.  I'm not rushing anything because no one has more better timig than God #AMEN I thought relaitonships were hard but so is building a long lasting friendship. It's a process.... I'm forsure going to make sure I pass. . . Well I feel a little better I just needed to get this off my chest goodnight & thanks for listening.


Monday, May 16, 2016

Chocolate Aries

Tamar-X-Future:Let Me Know
Mood:Am I crazy for feeling this way?
I think I’ve always been half out of my shell and half in. Sometimes I can be extremely wild and sometimes I can be extremely shy. It just depends on the person I’m with.

So me and the guy from (it all started with a Facebook friend request) are back on speaking terms. I'm glad he didn't know I was mad at him I think it's only right I give him a nickname for my blog(s) I'm just going to call him Chocolate Aries or Aries for short since his birthday is in April. I've always mixed well with Aries on a friendship level. We text all the damn time the 3 things that suck is:

1)We are in different time zones

2)He lives far

3)I'm always wondering how long will we be friends until he moves on.
I feel a platonic relationship beginning to form. I think we can be like Tupac & Jada (including sex till this day I think 2pac & Jada got busy in them sheets...lol). I wish we could video chat more Puberty has really been good to this guy with his short ass (lol ). My birthday is next month I hope he messages me something sweet just so I can see if he really cares. I'm not saying I love the guy or have feelings for him he's just a breath of fresh air it's not everyday you meet someone you can actually talk about anything with from sex, life, food, and politics.

I'm not going to put a label on things. Or tell him how I feel. I just want to know more about him than him knowing more about me. I have a strong feeling if he flew me out to see him I would go and when I get my own place I'll probably invite him out to see me. Just when I counted all black men out one cut from a different cloth comes to find me isn't it funny how life works out.

I'm not even pressed for a relationship , I just long for someone who's different & give me a reason to believe not all guys are the same. I hope I'm not setting myself up to get let down again. I want to experience something real & I would like God to lead me in the right direction regarding this decision. I hope I'm not crazy for feeling this way & maybe as time goes on and I have the guts to ask him how he feels about me the feeling will be mutual so I don't feel crazy or stupid. He's a real decent guy & I hope he's being genuine so my pending feelings aren't fake and meaningless. I don't have a problem with moving slow especially with my pending feelings on the line. I feel kind of strange just by liking over little communication, that is why I haven't told anyone this besides you (whoever is reading this). I had platonic guy friendships in the past but they meant nothing compared to this pending one. He's older than me so I imagine he's in tune with his feelings I always ask him questions to get a better understanding of him or see what type of guy I am dealing with I'm pleased he answers them without hesitation or even wondering why I'm asking. 

At times,  feel like a little girl or too over the wall while texting him. But he seems cool about it I come off as a self-assured woman during our text but in reality, when his name comes up on my screen I get butterflies and an instant smile on my face I'm always trying to find new things to talk about because I don't want the conversation to end. God, I feel so stupid for writing this but I have too just incase I never feel like this again. Sometimes I wish I had girlfriends so they could give me advise me if what I'm feeling is just crazy or normal. I already know what I would like to gain from this situation/friendship
  • Honesty
  • Commitment 
  • Understanding
  • Effort
  • Love
  • Something New
and even If I can't get that I would like for us to remain friends. He's not like the other guys he's not going to tell me what I want to hear. He's just being real and I appreciate that. For the time being, we are just friends who have a mutual attraction to each other. I wish I could pick his brain just to see what he wants to gain from talking to me I'm too afraid to ask because what if what he has to say is not what I want to hear. I'm just going to keep my feelings to myself that way I have a less chance of getting hurt...
Ya Girl Sample of our conversations ignore his label in my phone (lol)

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Don't Waste My Time

Tinashe-Fuckin' Wit Me
Mood:Just enjoying my slow Sunday
Image via We Heart It https://weheartit.com/entry/130524934/via/3793449 #apple #disney #girls #iphone #wallpaper:
We All Want A Dangerous.But Not Hurtful Man

***Backstory***I went on a date with this guy back in the day at the age of 16. . . he took me on a date at the beach during the night, I remember making him take me back to campus because his quietness just wasn't suiting for me. So he found me on Facebook to pick up where my left off at he invited me to church but he wanted me to spend the night beforehand #WTF I nipped that in the butt A.S.A.P so we haven't spoke again since this month***
So he hit me up on messagner ***I took screenshots I'm going to insert them at the ending of this*** We caught up for a bit , he tried to get me to send him pictures that weren't on my page -___- I really think there's a special place in hell for dudes that ask for pictures. . . This dude is mad corny idk why I even let him take me out back then -___-.... He's like 10 years old than me and has fuckboi tendeinces. . . 

For example : He wants to take me out on Monday I said yes but know something came up and he's not replying on what time he's coming to get me . . . I swear this dude is predictable and I had a feeling I was not going nowhere... I'm cool though I tried to be nice because my mom said he seems like a good man . . . . . But I just think he's expecting to get some pussy . . . not over here. . . 

Are plans are cancelled on Monday since he did not respond in a timely manner, I rather be at home texting guys I actually like even if they live miles away. I crave excitment and not anything dull that makes me loose interest face 

I really don't feel as though this guy is geniune. He's just another jerk hiding his true intentions I rather be alone than waste my time. . . With a guy who thinks I'm some easy thrill in the bed. . . So if he does hit me up again I'm not going to bother responding I've wasted too much time on this lack-luster ass dude and typo filled boring conversations. ***Yawns****
thanks for reading,

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Displaying InstasizeImage

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

~.It All Started With A FaceBook Friend Request~.

Mood:Moving On

The right man would move mountains to be with you not hide behind them.

this shirt speaks to my spirit ☺️❤️:
Sometimes Facebook New Friend Request could be interesting or something meaningful well, in this case, I'm just going to chuck it up as a loss. This guy sent me a request back in April I noticed he skates since I skated back in the day I thought we may know each other but we don't. From his facebook post he seemed like a major asshole I addressed him about that and he said that's not him meaning he's not like that it's just all fun and games. We moved to texting since he lagged on the Facebook Messanger 
But that wasn't any better he barely texted back or liked my post but got time to like other people post and talk to other girls on Facebook... . . . I just got irritated alot he video chatted with me the conversation was nice and he looked handsome..... I never been with a black man he had me interested he seemed so well rounded, respectful, and non-threatening at all. . . My ideal guy if I had to date someone black he told me bits and pieces about himself 
♡. He Hasn't been in a relationship or had sex since February 
♡.He has sickle cell (that just made me want to be nice to him because sickle cell is such a tough illness)
♡.Also, his mother died . . . 
So, I really did not want to be mean and decided to give him a chance even though I noticed a lot of warning signs. 
  1. He's a chauvinist (which is a big problem for me . . . I consider myself a feminist at times but not radical like the new age feminist). 
  2. He never has time to talk to me.
  3. I don't think he's serious about making an effort to be with me
  4. He never asks about my son
  5. Instead of telling me Happy mother's day he asks to see my breast instead -_- . 
  6. He's a REAL asshole !
I'm going to list what I liked about him before I go off on his ass
  1. He's a hard worker 
  2. A manly man the outside of him would be the ideal husband.
  3. At times, he can be a great person to talk to conversation wise.
  4. He's handsome too one the short side though (5'9 . . . lol)
