Sunday, May 15, 2016

Don't Waste My Time

Tinashe-Fuckin' Wit Me
Mood:Just enjoying my slow Sunday
Image via We Heart It #apple #disney #girls #iphone #wallpaper:
We All Want A Dangerous.But Not Hurtful Man

***Backstory***I went on a date with this guy back in the day at the age of 16. . . he took me on a date at the beach during the night, I remember making him take me back to campus because his quietness just wasn't suiting for me. So he found me on Facebook to pick up where my left off at he invited me to church but he wanted me to spend the night beforehand #WTF I nipped that in the butt A.S.A.P so we haven't spoke again since this month***
So he hit me up on messagner ***I took screenshots I'm going to insert them at the ending of this*** We caught up for a bit , he tried to get me to send him pictures that weren't on my page -___- I really think there's a special place in hell for dudes that ask for pictures. . . This dude is mad corny idk why I even let him take me out back then -___-.... He's like 10 years old than me and has fuckboi tendeinces. . . 

For example : He wants to take me out on Monday I said yes but know something came up and he's not replying on what time he's coming to get me . . . I swear this dude is predictable and I had a feeling I was not going nowhere... I'm cool though I tried to be nice because my mom said he seems like a good man . . . . . But I just think he's expecting to get some pussy . . . not over here. . . 

Are plans are cancelled on Monday since he did not respond in a timely manner, I rather be at home texting guys I actually like even if they live miles away. I crave excitment and not anything dull that makes me loose interest face 

I really don't feel as though this guy is geniune. He's just another jerk hiding his true intentions I rather be alone than waste my time. . . With a guy who thinks I'm some easy thrill in the bed. . . So if he does hit me up again I'm not going to bother responding I've wasted too much time on this lack-luster ass dude and typo filled boring conversations. ***Yawns****
thanks for reading,

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