Friday, May 20, 2016

Just Trying To Find My Prince Charming in a sea of fuckboy's

pro·logue-I'm so irritated , I feel like my time is being wasted but it's only fair I write what else that happened mainly for those that are interested.....SO HERE IT GOES
mood: I had to drink a glass of wine to calm my nerves
S.O.T.E.Fuck that nigga x Dj Mustard

It's so strange how life works: You want something and you wait and wait and feel like it's taking forever to come. Then it happens and it's over and all you want to do is curl back up in that moment before things changed.-Che-ray

Okay, so Chocolate Aries texted me I texted back, of course, his response was a late one . . . In My Opinion, people that wait too long to text need to be banned from texting... So the conversation came off as casual like always then he mentioned he had sex, I always tell my male friends to let me know when they have sex (I'm just weird like that). He brought it up but not in full detail . . . I'm going to insert the text messages here so the post won't be too long or take up to much of your time. 

don't get me wrong I am happy for him for getting some. . . But I'm also mad . . . Like, This guy doesn't want to put in the effort with me but got time to smash a bitch that's not his type niggas say they don't like hoes but steady screwing them now that's my problem😡😒😡.... I haven't texted him back sense and I deactivated my FB so I don't have to see his contradicting foolery .... How you preaching you want a real woman but giving any hoe that comes your way the more time than you give someone you 'claim' to like..... Straight up ridiculous . . . I'm shocked I thought just because I get along with female Aries I would be able to get along with male Aries too guess the fuck not.

I've always had a fantasy of fucking with someone out of state but the way this dude acting I guess I'll neva get no outside Dick.... I'm really over it on god I'm not gonna even get mad or feel hurt but any guy that passes on me missing out. . . 
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