Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Nicki Minaj-x-Ariana Grande=Get On Your Knees

When she apologizes for being hard to love,

do not say “it’s okay”.
Tell her that loving her is like breathing
and without her you are drowning,
but you wouldn’t want it any other way.

So I been interacting with this guy I met on this dating site as much as I hate talking and letting people in I get lonely sometimes. And conversations with someone older than my son and siblings is refreshing. During texting, he seemed so deep in real he even put me on game about a new flower Chocolate Cosmo which I'm not obsessed with (thanks, James !). 
  • He's a site for the eyes 😍. 
  • We're both Gemini's my birthday is two days after his so this should be interesting if we make it past the talking stage.
  • He's shorter than what I like 5'11 as long as he's taller than me that's a plus.
  • His mother died when he was young so he never really had a real birthday since then :( **sad**
  • He's determined for a better life :)
  • He's not no hoodlum
  • He does not come off as a pervert like the rest of those guys on that site  
*******************************************************Okay those are his good qualities that I like so let me list the bad ones since while they're still fresh in my head.
  • He does not have a steady income 
  • He lives at his grandmother's house with his uncle, her boyfriend and their 8 dogs sleeping on the couch (I never been with a guy did not have his own)
  • He can be contradicting at times one minute he says he wants a real woman a Queen to match his King but, the last time he had sex was a month ago yet you ready for something real. -_-
  • His body count is higher than mines 
  • He smokes & drink (I stopped)
I liked the conversations we had during text but now that we are on the phone I feel like he's putting on a front :/ . . . I in love with the idea of love & I can't be with a guy who's fronting just to get some coochie. I live like 3 hours away from him so if we do get serious how we gonna make it work on a physical level. I'm all for a long distance relationship especially if it's beneficial to me and my needs. I am not really trying to get my hopes up because these days men don't like to put in the effort. . . He say's he is a gentleman we'll see about that. . . 

To be honest, I'm taking everything he says with a grain of salt he says he loves GOD but doesn't go to church. If his partner wanted him to stop smoking and drinking he would have to bend the rules. Come on now bro ! are you kidding . . . To be Gemini's we really do not seem to have much in common maybe I'm speaking too soon but IDC I don't want to waste my time  I'm just looking for 
Murray to my Dionne 

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