Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Better alone than badly accompanied.

Hurricane Chris x Boxie = Players Rock
It's a no go for me and James . . . All he wanted to do was talk about sex -__- I knew that gentleman shit was just an act . . . That's the thing I hate about online dating these dudes actually lie about who they are and it's arrogating just be real so we don't waste each other time. . . He got angry and aggressive for no reason then didn't text back . . . So I deleted that number and slid to the left on that ass. This is why I'll never take these dating Apps serious I'm only on there to get my ego stroked and get a laugh here and there. So as luck or coincidence would have it I went to Urgent Care for my health concerns and this white guy who has an accent like Matthew McConaughey, nice ass, and bald head like Eminem with a few tattoos. 

So I get to the back to get weighed and asked when my last period the usually embarrassing questions. He seen the ring on my finger and asked was I married
Him:So it's okay for me to flirt with you?
Me: ***smiling*** Yes 
Him:Guess how old I am?
Me: ***still smiling*** 26
Him:Nope . . . . 34
Me:Oh wow you and my mother are close in age 
Him:So your mom started early? nothing wrong with that 
He said some other sh*t I could not remember as we walked to other room I do remember him saying "I'm going to leave my number here & hopefully you'll leave yours too" then he walked out. I swear his game was smooth I didn't have a pen so I had to go in the hallway to ask him for a pen. At home I could not wait to hear from him he texted me around to asking me if I was okay. I snooped on him on Facebook I searched him up by his number it kind of looked like an Arian Brother Hood member with a banner that said "Support Your Local White Boy". 

When he texted me back I asked him what time h got off work so I could ask him some questions he told me 5:30 and to call him. I'm not too keen on calling people so when 5:30 I told him to call me he did sometime later. He's 5'9 , can't cook but can read a recipe bruh . . . Then I asked him the million dollar question "Are you racist?" this dude hit me with a few cuss words and was like how can I be racist if I asked for your number . . . I'm like it's possible you can like the women but not like the people. . . He was like I'm racist against stupidity and ignorance not even on the phone for 5 minutes before he said he gonna text me when he get home or in the morning. . . 

I'm over like 
I said okay and let it go it's 11:39am over here & I still haven't heard from dude . . . It sucks because I never been with a white man or black man so I wanted to try something new just to say I did it. He' not my type fully ! my plan was just to get to know him and get some birthday d*ck but the way it's going I could've offended him with the race question oh well you never know. . . Anyways if something else goes differently I'll keep you updated I want this to work in my favor because everyone in this town ugly as fuck and it's been forever since I got some !!!! 

I always wanted a white boy so if he's not the one I'm going to keep looking or wait until they find me like this one did 

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