Saturday, June 25, 2016

Up's & Down's

mood:I wish. . . Let's Just Jump into this

I can't be replaced. My personality mixed with my ambition+vision is too foreign.-ME

It's been a minute (not a long minute) since I've written something . . . I haven't been inspired to write anything lately . . . but I guess tonight is the night to get it off my chest . . . Thing(s) between Lloyd (from the last blog) has been up and down . . . In my mind I just wish he could stop upsetting me, buy me something, and just show me he's the real deal. I wish to Heaven he would so I could just go away with him and have an epic summer 16 too bad things just don't work that way. . . 

Guys from my past has been hitting me up thinking I'm the type of girl to creep with & I'm far from that. . . I wish I could find someone who's on the same level as me. . . who gets excited by just seeing me happy . . . I know life is not full of fairytales & bubble gum but sometimes I wish because I could use a break from being guarded and untrusting. . . I guess God wants me to just continue to wait it out and maybe one day he'll send me the sign when I find something real . . . 

I know the truth sets your thoughts FREE but sometimes It's hard for me to tell a guy what I want. Because I feel they always won't fit the bill & 9 times out of 10 they don't so I just keep my mouth shut. At times like this I feel like I was like other girls who would be able to settle but I can't I just want a guy to see what I see in myself. . . but then again I'm proud of myself for not settling because I grow more just by waiting for 'THAT GUY' to show up in the meantime I'm working on myself so I can be 'That Girl' not only the one he wants but needs. . . WELL THAT'S ALL I WANTED TO SAY . . . I SHOULD BE GOING APARTMENT HUNTING WENS I PRAY EVERYTHING WORKS IN MY FAVOR BECAUSE WORKING ON MYSELF WILL ALWAYS PAY OFF MORE THAN WAITING ON A KNIGHT IN SHINING ARMOR ! 

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